OneControl to harmonize tower solutions with System Integration

Air traffic increases at a tremendous speed, bringing airports to their capacity limits and making the operations even more complicated. To meet the increasing demand additional systems are put into place, supporting controllers in their daily work. When not harmonized, these systems often add more workload to the already heavy task list of controllers. OneControl reduces complexity and lets ATCO:s focus on their real task – managing air traffic.

How will OneControl help harmonizing Tower operations?

OneControl is your next level Integrated Controller Working Position (ICWP). By integrating our well-established product modules into a single screen application, OneControl provides a flexible platform that increases safety and efficiency. By aggregating information from different systems, there are many benefits to be had. In addition, OneControl is easily expandable, allowing users to add functionality without the need of major infrastructure adaptations.

What does it contain?

Central element is the display of a map, showing airport or airspace including additional information like:

  • Exact location of targets detected by different radar sources and correlated flight data, e.g. call sign, aircraft type or route
  • Stand status information such as occupied stands, stands with conflicts or stands where the docking procedure is in progress
  • Airfield Ground Lighting (AGL) status information, e.g. taxiway centerline lights, runway centreline lights etc. and the possibility to control them.

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Main Display Area

The airport or airspace map forms the central part of OneControl, where only the most relevant information needed in the daily operations are shown. Various layers that provide additional information can be enabled on demand.

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Widget Area

Additional widgets for all sorts of information are provided and might include flight strips for building a sequence of flights, Info Views containing weather data, navaids and other interface status, runway operation mode, CCTV cameras and flight sequence windows. These widgets can be placed freely based on the airport’s needs.

  • Flight strips for building a sequence of flights
  • Info Views containing weather data, navaids and other interface status, runway operation mode
  • CCTV cameras
  • Flight sequence windows
  • These widgets can be placed freely based on the airport’s needs.

The integration of information brings superior functionality:

  • Improved routing & guidance, including Follow the Green
  • Enhanced safety by combining surveillance data with other kinds of information
  • Pushback Support, showing what procedures are available and selecting the most efficient one
  • Stripless workflow support, allowing users to enter clearances at aircraft labels.
  • Gate conflicts, detecting overlaps in gate assignment based on actual position data of aircraft, or showing occupied or
  • closed parking positions

Interested in more information?

For more info about OneControl, download OneControl in PDF-format.  

You can also read more about our Tower portfolio on the ADBSAFEGATE web page under Product Center and under Airport Performance.

Key Features:

  • Harmonized user interface integrating various systems into a single screen solution
  • Open and modulare architecture
  • Stable platform based on proven solutions
  • Possibility to include surveillance, flight plan and progress, apron and AGL information
  • Possibility to choose building blocks based on operational demands


  • Increased safety and efficiency
  • Additional functionality through aggregation and clever compution
  • Reduced workload through consistent user interface and single input device
  • Easily expandable without major investments in infrastructure

ADB SAFEGATE  provides integrated solutions that raise efficiency, improve safety, boost environmental sustainability and reduce operational costs for airports, airlines and ANSPs. The company works with airports and airlines to solve operational bottlenecks from approach to departure. Solutions encompass airfield lighting, tower-based traffic control systems, intelligent docking automation and services, as well as applying advanced IT and analytics to deliver industry-leading Total Airport Management.

With more than 1,200 employees, ADB SAFEGATE serves more than 2,500 airports in more than 175 countries, from the busiest and largest like Atlanta, Beijing, Dubai, Heathrow, Charles De Gaulle, Frankfurt, Istanbul, New Delhi and Changi to fast-growing airports across Asia and Africa.

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