
Issue 61 | November 2020

Next time, we look at how Istanbul Airport became the first airport to be accredited under Airport Council International’s Airport Health Accreditation Scheme, and track what survival strategies airports in London, UK have in place to overcome inevitable challenges ahead.

We find out how the rollout of 5G will give airports a boost, and speak to UK-based Revector about how it is using cutting-edge technology to detect potential security threats at airports via mobile networks. Also: what is the ‘open architecture’ concept, and why are more and more airports exploring its use in security applications?

Finally, we speak to the UK’s Independent Commission on Civil Aviation Noise (ICCAN) about the need for airports to clarify their noise reporting methods, explore the partnership between Eindhoven Airport and autonomous baggage solution provider Vanderlande, and profile the most energy-efficient airports worldwide.


Editor |Joe Baker

Commissioning Editor | Daniel Garrun

Writers | Adele Berti, Ilaria Grasso Macola, Frances Marcellin, Andrew Tunnicliffe

Magazine Designer | Anett Arc
Designers | Marzia Del Gaone, Ashley McPherson, Tyrrell Lowe, Noemi Balint, Petra Konyi-Kiss, Maria Gimenez, Filipe Costa, Martina Labaiova
Lead Designer | John Hammond

Publisher | Susanne Hauner

Digital Publishing Director | Duncan West


Sales Manager |Nimai Amin

+44 (0) 207 936 6453

Sales Manager |Samuel Dennis

+44 20 7936 6872


For media partnership enquiries please contact Susanne Hauner

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