Welcome to the 88th issue of Airport Industry Review.

Making aviation more sustainable is a priority across the sector, from airlines looking for more sustainable fuel to manufacturers trying to develop new technology. In our cover story this issue, we learn about NASA's SABERS research project, aimed at developing solid-state battery technology for aviation.

Elsewhere, with COP28 underway this month we take a look at tourism's impact on the environment – even though the UN seems to be ignoring it.

We also look into developing new alternative fuels, list the ten biggest airline sponsorships in the football world, and speak to the United Airlines MEC President about the struggle of negotiating a new deal for flight attendants.

As the year comes to a close, we take our annual look ahead to the coming year, highlighting what we predict the key themes will be in the aviation sector over the next twelve months.

For this, and much more, read on. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @Airport_Mag as well.

Peter Nilson, editor

Go to article: Home | Electric flight: SABERSGo to article: Editor's letterGo to article: ContentsGo to article: Air Traffic Solutions Company InsightGo to article: BriefingGo to article: News in NumbersGo to article: Latest NewsGo to article: Latest DealsGo to article: Project UpdatesGo to article: Trends & InsightGo to article: AJT EngineeringGo to article: In DepthGo to article: SABERS: advanced battery technology for electric flightGo to article: COP28: is the UN climate process ignoring the tourism sector?Go to article: “Difficult to abate”: the growth of new fuels in aviation and shippingGo to article: Top 10: the biggest airline sponsorships in footballGo to article: Industry predictions: what’s in store for 2024?Go to article: “Flight attendants are very angry”: United AFA MEC PresidentGo to article: ListingsGo to article: Airport Technology Excellence Awards: the winnersGo to article: Buyer's GuidesGo to article: Next issue